Recognize the responsibility to your own soul

Once walking on the terrace of my house in the morning the following thought came to me “ The greatest responsibility that a human has is recognizing the responsibility to their soul” . This changed my thoughts & therefore my life. It was a turning point of my life. I put my pen to paper and wrote few lines and through these I want to share this experience with you.

If we recognize the responsibility we would live with more purpose and we will be able to realize how we treat ourselves, others, our environment, all other creatures , would reflect directly on our soul and life.

Life is a wonderful gift given by God. And God is wonderful who has given us this beautiful life.

Troubles, needs and lack face each of us in some area of our lives. Many things can cause sickness, but there often are underlying spiritual factors at work. Doctors and medicines can be very effective for the physical aspects but only had God can heal both the natural and spiritual cause of disease. God helps you, loves you and desires for you to receive healing and victory in your spirit, soul and body,that’s why your responsibility is to love God and the things created by God .

There is no one else on this earth more qualified to know what is write for you than you are! Other people can inspire you. Other people can motivate you, but your ‘ inner guide’ is the only one who can really tell you if it is right for you. Become your own best friend and take your own advise.

I hope I share with you wonderful thoughts of my own but you are the only who really knows better what is right and what is wrong for you.


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