Shraadh is a Sanskrit word which literally means "anything done with sincerity and faith." "Shraadh" also means "Shraddha" which means unconditional reverence. Shraadh is performed every year on the death anniversary of the deceased relative as per the Panchang (The Hindu calendar) or during this period of dark fortnight called Pitra Paksha.

Pitrapaksha is that the event to repay debt to our departed ancestors by satisfying their souls through performing rites. For the current purpose “Shraddha” is performed with a belief that the obsolete ones would alive amongst us. Yamaraja, the God/bhagwan of death allows the souls to come down to the earth and obtain provides out of his or her descendants. The present follow is constructed for the extinct “pitris”. Of the fact that last day of the present time, of the actual fact that new moon day, is considered as of the fact that almost essential day in his year for enactment obsequies and rites.

Hence, in Hindus it is thought-about very favorable to donate food in form of Shraad to poor, since whatever donated is ostensible to achieve on to the one’s ancestors. During these days and especially on the day of recent moon it's thought of the fact that soul of the dead ones (Atmas), are permitted with Yamaraj to succeed in earth and obtain that the advantages of their rites out of their children.

Donation of following 10 articles during ‘Pitra Paksha’ comes under ‘Mahadan’.

1. Donate cow (Gow Daan) - The first and foremost article among the ten ‘Mahadaan’ in Pitra Paksha is Cow.

2. Donate Land (Bhumi Daan)- If ‘Shradhkarta’ can afford to donate land then he should donate a small piece of land to a needy poor person. If it is not possible then he should take a small lump of clay, keep it in a thali. Take Sanklap and donate it to a Brahmin along with ‘Dakshina’.

3. Donate Seasame (Til Daan)- Black Seasame seeds are considered auspicious for donation in Pitra paksha.

4. Donate Gold (Swarn Daan)- If one can not afford gold for donation, then Dakshina should be donated to a Brahmin.

5. Donate Ghee (Ghrit Daan)- Ghee made of Cow milk should be donated in a vessel.

6. Donate Clothes (Vastra Daan)- Two main clothes and two underclothes which are not torn and used one, better if the clothes are new should be donated to a Brahmin.

7. Donate Cereals (Dhaany Daan)- Wheat, Rice and other cereals should be donated after taking a Sanklap.

8. Donate Jaggery (Gud Daan)- Donation of jaggery in Pitrapaksha is also auspicious.

9. Donate Silver (Rajat Daan)- Ancestors bless their successors if they donate Silver in Pitra Paksha.

10. Donate Salt( Lavan) - Ancestors get satisfied if salt is donated in Pitrapaksha.

One of many crucial personalities of Mahabharata, Karn (supposedly brother-like to Pandavas) who's fondly remembered as “Daanveer Karn” made numerous charity in type of jewels, cash, land etc. When he died and ascended to heaven, he obtained all that he gave in form of charity in multiples.

However, he didn’t get food as he did not give food-charity. He starved for days and finally asked the “Yamraj” if he may get a chance to make for this deficiency. Yamraj allowed him and granted a interval of 14 days to go back to the earth and make for it. These 14 days have been utilized by Karan to provide numerous meals-charities.

When he lastly returned again to the heaven, there was plenty of food obtainable to him.

Thus, in Hindus it is thought-about very auspicious to donate meals in form of Shraddha to poor, as whatever donated is supposed to achieve straight to one’s ancestors. Throughout today and especially on the day of latest moon it is believed that the soul of the lifeless ones (Atmas), are permitted by Yamraj to reach earth and receive the benefits of these rites from their children.

The ritual of offering oblations of water to our ancestors is referred to as Pitra Tarpan. This ritual was perhaps designed as a means for paying respects to our ancestors on a regular basis throughout the year, instead of during the particular fortnight of pitra paksha.

During the period of Pitra Paksh, we all should make a genuine effort to perform rituals on behalf of our departed ancestors. Doing so will bring blessings to that departed soul and also to us, the descendants.


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