
Showing posts from November, 2010


In finance, a security whose price is dependent upon or derived from one or more underlying assets is a derivative .The derivative itself is merely a contract between two or more parties. Its value is determined by fluctuations in the underlying asset. The most common underlying assets include stocks, bonds, commodities, currencies, interest rates and market indexes. There are many kinds of derivatives, with the most common being swaps , futures , and options . Derivatives are a form of alternative investment . A derivative is not a stand-alone asset , since it has no value of its own. However, more common types of derivatives have been traded on markets before their expiration date as if they were assets. Most derivatives are characterized by high leverage. There is a general feeling that derivatives are highly complicated instruments and can be traded by only highly qualified individuals. This might be true to a certain extent but with good understanding of the concept...


India is a country of extremes. On the one hand, the booming IT branch has caused a furor around the world. However, on the other hand, a large part of the population still lives in extreme poverty. Nevertheless, people with professional qualifications have a realistic chance of getting a job in this threshold country, India is more connected than ever before. Mobile towers, internet lines and television poles stretch from one end of the country to the other. Yet underneath these growing technological networks, much of India’s rickety infrastructure is in desperate need of attention. Broken roads prevent goods from being transported to market. India’s power grid is frightfully overburdened, especially in densely populated urban areas. In India, 54% of rural households have no access to electricity. Progress on electrification in rural areas has been very slow over the last two decades. Kerosene is the main source of energy used for lighting in rural households without access ...

बढ्ता हुआ ई एम आई का बोझ

रिजर्व बैक ने दो नवम्बर को दूसरी तिमाही की मौद्रिक समीक्षा में होम लोन से जुड़े नियमों में कई बदलाव किए है। बैक अब फ्लैट की कीमत का महज 80 फीसद तक लोन दे पाएंगे। इसका साफ मतलब है कि अब डाउनपेमेंट ज्यादा देना होगा। इससे पहले रिजर्व बैक ने ऐसी कोई सीमा तय नहीं की थी जिससे कई बैंकों से लोग 85 और 90 फीसद तक लोन हासिल कर लेते थे। अभी तक ग्राहक को घर की कीमत के अलावा रजिस्ट्रेशन शुल्क तक की रकम बैंक से लोन के रूप में मिल जाती थी लेकिन अब रिजर्व बैंक ने होम लोन के लिए नया तरीका लोन टू वैल्यू अनुपात को लागू कर दिया है। होम लोन के मामले में यह अनुपात किसी भी हालत में 80 फीसद से ज्यादा नहीं होगा। रिजर्व बैक ने जोखिम से जुड़े प्रावधान (प्रोविजनिंग) को भी सख्त कर दिया है। अभी 74 फीसद वाले लोन टू वैल्यू के 30 लाख रु पए तक के होम लोन पर बैंक को बतौर प्रोविजनिंग के 50 फीसद रकम रखनी पड़ती थी। अगर यह लोन 30 लाख रु पए से ज्यादा होता था तो बैक को 75 फीसद प्रोविजनिंग करनी पड़ती थी। अगर लोन टू वैल्यू 74 फीसद से ज्यादा है तो बैंक को प्रोविजनिंग 100 फीसद करनी पड़ती थी। लेकिन रिजर्व बैक ने इसमें बड़ा बदलाव कर...


Superstition and Science are mutually conflicting words. Can we think about a barren woman with her children! But it is a ticklish job to sort out the age-old beliefs into superstitions and scientific beliefs. The world today is governed by science. Science has made life easy and man has advanced a lot. Superstitions have no applications in today's life. So we should not follow the superstitions that were passed on to us by our ancestors. We should follow only the ones which have scientific and logical basis. A person believing in superstitions is always haunted by unknown fears and anxieties. He lose self-confidence. Education is one factor that can wipe out superstitions to some extent. A scientific outlook and temper should be cultivated to do away with superstitions. Superstitions are time tested assumptions. In basic science there are three aspects-- assumptions, theory and principle. When an assumption is empirically found to be correct even though without any supportin...